
Thursday 29 September 2011

The Best Speech in 20th Century Cinema*

*according to me.


  1. Great post. Albert Brooks rocks. My favorite of his is Defending Your Life.

  2. A lot of truth in that. The boiling frog scenario.

  3. My wife turned me on to this movie. Brilliant.

  4. Nah, Rutger Hauer's dying speech in Blade Runner is by far the best! Listen to his speech, the incredible timing and emotion, and imagine being an actor and trying to pull that off. Unbelievable!

  5. Not seen that movie before. Interesting.

  6. Thanks fo rthe comments, definitely a film worth watching if you haven't already.

    @Ted - I'd say the difference between this and RH in Blade Runner is that that speech is powered by the performance, whereas this one is powered by the meaning of the words. The fact we don't appreciate the life we have, while true, is somewhat trite and almost new age hippy dippy. The redefining of the devil into terms that still apply today (maybe even more so) is properly enlightening.

  7. Even at nearly 25 years old, this is still one of the best movies to see.

  8. Great clip.... Looks like a really good film.

    I have an award for you at my blog Mood. Congrats.

  9. Sign - and here I sit with no sound. My old monitor had integrated speakers. By brand new one doesn't. Need to run to the store this weekend.

  10. You got me, I might have to watch that film.

  11. Since I believe the devil does not exist, I can't agree. Redefining a myth just makes it a different myth.

  12. It isn't literal. Spaceships don't have to actually explode off the shoulder of Orion to make a point valid.

  13. Never saw this film before. The content of the speech makes sense, but I'd have to think on that greatest film speech claim.

    Tossing It Out

  14. I have a love/hate relationship with Broadcast News, but I agree that Albert Brooks is amazing in it and this is one of his best monologues!

  15. I love those actors! Although sometimes I think I'm hearing Nemo's Dad, Marlin getting all angsty...LOL

  16. I've never seen this film. But behind every great film and every great actor and every great speech is good writing.
